The paper is dog eared and yellowing in places and the paper feels old. This is an old plan entitled "Rat Hole". Quite how old this doodling is I don't know. Over 11 years certainly. It was first sketched out when I had this notion that American railroads were all street running and sharp cures with lines appearing between houses and crossing roads at will. This view was bought about by seeing some of the steam-era layouts in Magazines such as Model Railroader and Railroad Model Craftsman. Once I moved to America and experienced Modern US Railroads for real I saw things weren't necessarily like that anymore. I still think its a good idea. Thats why I've kept the plan for over 11 years.

So, here's a close up of the sketch. I visualised it as something of a small layout perhaps 4' x 2' and quite intensely scenic. Locos and cars would appear and disappear between buildings. Definitely a moving diorama type layout. It has everything that I mentioned in the previous post. Wether it would actually translate to P87 I don't know perhaps the curves are a bit too sharp. I don't know But it's food for thought and has got the creative juices going.
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